Chris Kearney, Voices Of, and Debating the Lives of Trans People
What legitimate questions do the Jagajaga Voices of members want to ask?
What legitimate questions do the Jagajaga Voices of members want to ask?
Why should everyone state their pronouns?
Are TERFs the New Suffragettes? History has the answers.
What kind of metaphysics is Holly Lawford-Smith proposing for her theory of Women?
Holly Lawford-Smith on unburdening feminism from the pesky concerns of Other people. CW-sex assault
Holly Lawford-Smith attempts to outline a burgeoning movement with deep roots in radical feminism. It’s gamete-based.
Lesbians are famously supportive of trans women. In this first article on Synthetic TERF, we’ll be looking into some claims TERFs have made about what a lesb...
What is a woman? An adult human female. What is a female? This site aims to examine those two questions and the snap response.